Wednesday 8 May 2019

End of Module Self Evaluation

Overall I am pleased with the work I have produced in response to this module. Firstly I would say my concepts/ideas for both projects have been both appropriate and engaging, especially so for studio brief 2, which has quite a fun interesting concept, and subsequently is exciting to look and read through. Having this confirmed through peer feedback was very encouraging. I am also proud of the visuals I have produced for both projects; I think they’re a testament to my progression and development as a designer over the past 2 years of uni, and considering branding as an area of design I am interested in, it was really engaging to do that for one of my projects - to create a visual identity and distinct aesthetic, and carry that through various produced touch-points. While on the subject of branding and creating this visual identity, as a point that I think I could have developed with this project, I would have liked to push this visual identity even further. I believe what I produced was definitely sufficient enough for the project, and to communicate the correct message, but I would have found it personally engaging to create more outputs and really try and make the visual identity as succinct and effective as possible. Perhaps this is something I will be able to do for a future project. 

I think another strong point of my project was the research. It was just really interesting to delve into Ai and Robotics as a topic that I knew very little about, increase my knowledge of it and ‘become an expert’. I think for any project, the research is successful when information and little facts can be extracted and applied conceptually and visually, which I believe I did well. I also did a lot of research into contemporary designers; this was really useful just to give my work context, to see what designers are doing in response to similar themes and to consider what elements of that can be used as inspiration. It gave me a platform to really assess and critique my work in comparison. 

If there was an area in which I could improve in, I think it would definitely be production. Its not the first time my production hasn’t been up to the standard that I would like, and I think what I need to remember is to just keep it simple and not bite off more than I can chew. My map is the main thing I could have produced better, with a lower gsm paper stock and slightly neater folding it could look very good, but time constraints and an incredibly busy print room meant I wasn’t able to do this. Despite this, some areas of production are very good on this project, and demonstrate that my attention to production quality has improved, these areas mainly being in studio brief 2. The publication, flyers and poster were all printed on appropriate paper stock and look good, but I think the extra little bits I produced like the business cards and the keyrings really push the production value further. 

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