Sunday 28 October 2018

G . F . Smith - Visiting Professional

In 1885, George Fredrick Smith founded the paper company G. F. Smith and Sons, today, their successful and numerous range of paper stocks, including the ever popular ‘Colorplan’ is reaching new markets not just in the UK but in Australia, China, Germany and America. Gareth Davies, a paper consultant at G. F. Smith came in to discuss the companies vast selection of paper and there various properties. 

Notable paper stocks he mentioned included Treasury; a golden paper stock with actual gold in it which is used for the envelopes for the Oscars, and a paper stock made of recycled coffee cups which is used by companies such as Selfridges who interestingly enough, collect and clean their own coffee cups and send them to the paper mill to be made into the paper that they use, creating a self sufficient loop. Another interesting set of paper was a stock made from beer; each colour of stock, varying from light to dark brown was named after a different beer such as ale, pils and bock. 

Researching into the companies history, it was interesting to read about Bill Mackay, who was appointed design consultant of the company in 1965 to help build a strong identity for the brand. After developing a new colourful paper range - Plan 8 - he designed mailers to be sent out which showcased the bold colours of this new paper range. This is a great example of design integrated into production, and the mailers themselves are designed very well.

I really enjoyed G. F. Smith’s talk and found it very interesting when they went through different publications which have been produced with their paper and how the choice of paper was perfectly suited and directly influenced by the design and production methods, whether its picking a softer uncoated paper to suit letter press printing better, or a plastic coated high gsm paper stock for a sturdy and durable cover. After their talk I ordered some samples of their paper which included; Gmund Action Vibrant Arsenic: a 43ogsm paper stock which is fluorescent yellow, suiting the colours prominence in my project and being very thick, reflecting the psychical qualities of a bouncer that I’m trying to replicate; and two thick black paper stocks, Gmund Action Go To Hell Black and Accent Fresco Black.

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