Monday 29 October 2018

Publication Research - Experimental Packaging and Production

Until Death do us Part - Thomas Sauvin
This publication shows an archive of photographs displaying the tradition in Chinese weddings for the bride to light every mans cigarette in attendance. This simple yet effective idea really comes into its own within the production; what appears to be a box of cigarettes turns out to be a pocket sized book inside a cigarette box, with the front cover giving the facade of cigarettes inside. A fantastic idea of a simple publication with effective concept driven production, turning the publication into more then a book - a covetable physical object. 

Toothbrushes - Maxime Guyon

Similarly, this publication explores toothbrushes and how although they are everyday objects, they have their own technology and terminology. The comparison between this terminology and that of optical fibres is drawn and this book actually substitutes the terminology, displaying ultra high resolution images of toothbrushes along side optical fibre terminology on full bleed pages in order to best display the bright, bordering on abstract photography. The book is packaged in plastic backed with card - like a toothbrush - a seemingly straightforward idea however when executed, gives the production quality of this publication a bespoke and experimental feel.

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