Monday 5 November 2018

Making of the Box

To make the box for the this publication, panels were laser cut from a website in which you input the desired dimensions. The panels were cut from 3mm plywood and each panels edges have teeth which slot into each other, apart from those on the opening side. The box came out at the right size and there plywood is a good, weighty and sturdy material. One thing which came out wrong was the size of the line which is slightly too big. Moving forward with production, the box will need to be glued together and then the edges of the teeth which stick out a few mm currently could be sanded down for a smoother finish. The box will then be bound in the rain coat material, the lid will be attached with hinges and it will then be rigged with a spring attached to the bottom inside of the box so that it closes on itself. The finishing touch will be the armband on the fluorescent tape wrapped around the box. 

One problem which might arise was the original plan to also emboss the box: this would not work as the box would break under there force of the embossing process. It couldn’t be initially embossed just on the front panel as well because it can’t be wrapped in the raincoat material. One way around this might be to put the title on a card in the bouncers armband where they’d usually put there ID; this slot definitely needs to be filled regardless as it would look odd empty so this could be the way forward.

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