Monday 4 March 2019

Mapping Research Task

The task today involved getting out and about and doing some involved research on mapping - not just about maps but picking a subject to map and then getting further into more contextual research about that.

At first we walked about, getting pictures of maps and stuff and trying to generate ideas, then we decided to look further at the actual people of Leeds; everyone’s got somewhere to go so we decided tom generate an idea where we follow people around and map it. We decided to pick people with hats because enough people have hats that we would be able to find some but not too many that that we would be overburdened. It was interesting to do this as it was a way if creating this route/map that we had absolutely no control over, every time we lost someone or they walked into a shop, we would then follow the next person we saw wearing a hat. It was quite a good insight into common routes and destinations in leeds; a lot of people in the centre would walk about almost in circles, however once you’re walking away from there centre, most people were walking to university or Hyde park etc. Amazingly we actually managed to follow someones right into our uni. 

If this idea were to be pushed further, and this in depth research were to be delved into more, a good idea to take would be to research hats; different kinds of hats, what they say about the sort of people who wear them etc. 

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