Wednesday 6 March 2019

SB1 - Mapping - Initial Thoughts and Ideas

This brief requires a creative response to the idea of mapping something; looking beyond the idea of a purely geographical map or pinpointing similar locations on one map. The outcome also has to be creative and unusual. The best way to think about it is

“Creating a map of ….. by using only…..”

It’s a good idea to get as specific as possible with these two things, and narrow them down early. 

I like the idea of using symbols; when you think about maps, you instantly think of the road lines intersecting, however symbols are a big part of it. Symbols are minimal and precise in their communication, how can I use them to create the most simplified means of navigation and to what point is still useable as a way-finding method. It would be interesting to  create this method of way-finding just using symbols. Would it be difficult to use as a navigational tool? Would only the people familiar with the road/area bar able to navigate it? Here are some ideas of the capacity in which I could use symbols:

  • The idea of giving directions would be interesting, whenever someone gives directions they say something like ‘turn right at the petrol station’ or ‘once you’ve passed the church keep going for 20 metres then turn right’. This idea could bring to light this way of navigation associated with certain buildings or locations.
  • Current symbols on maps would need to be looked at for reference. Could I replicate the symbols on an Ordinance Survey map, or maybe I would need to create my own - how could I research symbology and existing symbols to create symbols which are suitably minimal and clear in their communication? I could create symbols for common buildings locations in a city - a pub, a super market, a night club, a bar, a clothing store etc. Maybe I could use actual brands logo’s such as McDonalds. 
  • Would I label specific routes so that it’s clear or just leave them for people to try and figure out? If I took a route going one way then back on myself I could repeat the symbols in reverse.
  • How will I lay out the symbols? Do I try and continue with this idea of absolute simplicity, or do I design something slightly more creative and complex?

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