Friday, 15 March 2019

Robot Future

My Message - Robotics and AI are advancing so much that in the future robots will gain sentence, and maybe even have the same rights as us. Maybe brings to light current social issues. 

My Audience - Anyone really, while it does bring this fairly daunting issue to light, it still does it in a light hearted manner with some hopefully quite contemporary cool design so maybe there audience would be young people. 

Reflecting on my research, and wondering which direction to now take it in, I would like to look at this idea of robots having the same human rights as us in the future. There are lots of things I could do for this:

  • Branding for a robot wedding chapel - this could be slightly humorous and have a cool retro futuristic vibe to it. I could do brochures, business cards, posters etc.

  • Social Campaign’s relating to robots - equal rights for robots, robots should be able to marry etc. could make protest signs, posters, badges etc.

  • Presidential campaign for a robot - Sofia? Alexa?- lots of relevant design to look at for research e.g. different presidential campaigns’ design - obama, trump etc. 

  • ‘Future Artefacts of the Singularity’ - a collection of designs created which cover loads of these ideas, it could be a publication which includes posters, brochures, branding, campaigns etc from this future society.

  • Robot Clothing Brand - half designer clothing brand, half pimp my ride esque m mechanic - examines the idea of robots having identity and wanting to look unique

  • Robots in entertainment - A robot band winning the Grammys - would be controversial because they’re robots, robot actors in movies, examine the social issue today of people getting cast in the wrong roles racially and white washing but give it a robot spin. Robot campaign that they want more Hollywood roles and don’t want to be typecast as villains.
  • robot graphic designers

The possibilities are endless for this brief really, I think maybe it’s about establishing this future robot universe and a handful of the different social issues and creating some initial ideas for each, then I can pick which one is the most promising and has the most potential and then develop that one. 

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