Friday, 15 March 2019

Tom Joyes - Visiting Professional - Workshop

Tom Joyes recently graduated a few years ago and has since been working both in a studio and on freelance projects. His work is really focused on research and this idea of experimenting heavily with what you’ve found in your research before refining this experimentation into a workable outcome. 

He briefed us on a workshop where first we got into groups and went on which flashes different 3 word phrases every second, all of which are weird kind of dystopian futures, our phrase was ‘Basic Occupational Diseases’. We then had to sort of create and imagine what this near future is, and then produce a product or design in response to it. 

We imagined a future where robots have gained sentience and they can now feel emotions just like humans. However because of this, they can now also get mental health disorders, so we created a fake corporation ‘Robo Medi Corporation’ and designed a line of products for robots. We presented this as sort of like a business pitch/ convention, as if we were actually there corporation, almost like an Apple pitch with Steve Jobs. 

The work we produced tied in really well with my research topic which was good as I can use it as a point of reference/research method for my project. I really liked the tone of the project, robots gaining sentience can be a scary topic, and obviously robotics is very scientific and its easy to to try and get bogged down in that, but actually our approach was quite fun and had this speculative nature which is a nice approach to take and one I might continue exploring for my project.

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