Friday 8 March 2019

Dr David Hanson - Research

Dr David Hanson is the founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics, a company which strives to create human like robots, capable of mimicking human facial expressions, emotions and have conversations. 

One of the robots created by Hanson Robotics, ‘Sophia’, has been making a lot of headlines recently; she is the first robot to gain citizenship to a country, was named the United Nations Development Programme's first ever Innovation Champion, and is the first non-human to be given any United Nations title and has appeared on numerous interviews on TV. While her conversational skills and facial expressions are impressive, she is still nowhere near being a self aware AI and is more so a ‘Chatbot’ as many are referring to her as. 

Despite this, Hanson has predicted that by the year 2029, AI will have progressed to the point where it can match the mental capabilities of a 1 year old human, and by 2045, robots will have the same civil rights as humans. I Think this is a really interesting topic and concept, can you even imagine a world where robots are walking about with the same civil liberties as humans? This is definitely a direction I would like to take my project.

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