Monday 12 November 2018

Design for Screen - Ideas

An app or website in which you enter in what drinks you have and it tells you what cocktails you can make out of them. Could also have cocktail recipes and instructions. A website would be the best option because its not something you’d need access to regularly and therefore would not want to have to download an app for it. 

Music History
A music app where it tells you on this day in history what music was released and links it so you can listen. For certain famous live concerts, it will play them live and you can tune in like radio and listen to them in real time, 40 years in the future. This could be an extension of Spotify or at least paired with it so it’s a separate entity but you then click a link and open the music in.

IMDb/Netflix Social Media Component
Problem: Scrolling through Netflix for 30 mins trying to find a film to watch.
Social Media aspect of IMDb or Netflix in which it saves your watching history, you can like movies, actors or directors, and you get an online profile. It can pair you up with people who have similar taste in movies and you can discuss them and suggest other movies.

I like this idea, and as a consumer, it appeals the most as an app I would personally get. It turns out there is already an app which does a similar thing called Letterboxd. My idea would concentrate more on the social media aspect, with a more bespoke UI. Upon analysing Letterboxd’s UI and UX in a group, this is what we came up with:

- Both the UI and UX are fairly proficient at doing there jobs, but both could be improved in order to create a more visual, simple and social application with a higher aesthetic value. Taking ideas from Instagram’s UI would be a good idea; people want to be able to cultivate and personalise there own collection of images, or in this case movies, which in turn contributes to their identity on the app. While Letterboxd is fairly simple to use, you kind of have to get the hang of it, the UX could be simplifies with less icons and more minimal pages. 

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