Monday 12 November 2018

Design for Screen - Research

Music History - Upon searching the app store and the internet, there does not seem to be a music service which provides historical information about songs; there’s either web pages with timelines of music, or on some of the prevailing streaming apps such as Spotify, they provide information about some of the songs and their lyrics while the songs are being played. Thinking about the content of this idea; displaying what songs were released however many years ago on any particular day, and doing radio streams of live performances from the past, it doesn’t seem like enough to be a singular app, and if it needs a capacity to stream these songs, why not make it an extension or partner app of Spotify? It could have a very simple interface which would make it very easy for users, and this minimal UX would leave room for more visual development and UI. 

Film Rating Social Media - The 2 apps which are similar to this idea are Letterboxd and IMDb; IMDb simply provides information and content about movies with a database of the cast and crew, trivia, information and reviews etc. It is a very useful application for finding out information about a movie however does not have a social media platform which this idea is based on. Letterboxd is more of a social network; you enter any movie you’ve watched, review it, add movies you want to watch to a watch list and look at other peoples reviews and watch lists. This idea for an app aims to create a visual space for you to document what movies you’ve watched, review them, curate your personal account, find movies you’d like to watch and socialise with other people who have similar taste in movies. It will have an emphasis on the mobile app which is important because as a utility, it comes in handy when you need to quickly look up some information or add a movie to your watch list. Movie reviews tend to be long and hard too get through, which is why there could be a character limit in this app, like twitter, which will make for shorter, condensed and more to the point reviews. 

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