Another idea for this project, which uses a more positive celebratory tone would be to celebrate the anniversary of something iconic. Instantly an album comes to mind, the albums which will have anniversaries in 2019 are:
Abbey Road - The Beatles - 50 years
Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division - 40 years
London Calling - The Clash - 40 years
The Wall - Pink Floyd - 40 years
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin - 50 years
Stone Roses - Stone Roses - 30 years
Of these albums, the most iconic is definitely Abbey Road, also a 50 year anniversary sounds a bit more nice and rounded and is more cause to celebrate/ more of a milestone. There is a whole wealth of imagery and lyrics which could be used to create a typeface celebrating the album including, basing the typeface off of the abbey road sign typeface or using the zebra crossing lines on there cover.
Another good album to do would be unknown pleasures by Joy Division. This is the joy division album that everyone knows, and if they don’t know the songs they at least know the iconic cover which displays a diagram of the Pulsar `CP-1919’ from a physics textbook. The typeface could use this diagram somehow to come up with the typeface. Also, this could link with the idea to bring about awareness tho mens suicide and ‘CALM’ because joy divisions lead singer, Ian Curtis, committed suicide. This may overcomplicate the idea however it could be a good angle to look at.
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