Tuesday 5 February 2019

Abbey Road Final Posters

Once the design was finalised, 2 other posters were created to make a set of 3. They both use primary/tertiary contrasting inverse colours just like the first one, further cementing the idea of contrast but giving them some variation. The first poster reads ‘Come Together’ which was used to promote the idea of literally coming together, a positive message which is relevant to the uk right now and spreads the Beatles message of peace and love. For the other 2 posters the phrases ‘Here Comes the Sun’ and ‘Carry that Weight’ were used; other along titles from the album which also have a similar positive message. 

I’m happy with the finished posters, I think they display the typeface well, are evocative of the album and really communicate this idea of contrast and two things coming together with harmony. 

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