Saturday, 9 February 2019

Poster Initial Ideas

Idea 1
This poster design typesets the copy in black and blue in Titling Gothic creating a sleek, futuristic vibe. A hierarchy is achieved by making ‘LAU end of year show” bolder, larger and outlined so it is read first. The copy above is arranged in a less structured random way, this makes the poster slightly more intriguing, and emphasises the way it is read, for example ‘You Are Bold’ has big gaps between each word which gives it more emphasis. The main line of the copy ‘Witness the Future’ is in white so that it stands out. 

Idea 2
This poster design is made bold by the bright gradient, containing red and green which contrast each other. The typeface Anisette is bold and contemporary and creates a modern and stylish narrative. The fluid transition of the gradient is given structure by the grid system, surrounding the centralised, minimally arranged type, which decreases in size going down the page, bringing the eye to the top. The coloured types is outlined so it stands out from the background. 

Idea 3
This idea completely emphasis boldness by using a very harsh combination of bright red and blue. The type is centred and goes down the page laterally so as not to add any overly complicated visual devices to the already bold, even slightly hard to look at design. This idea is a bit out there but it would undoubtedly be eye catching.

Idea 4
This poster design deviates from the centralised type of the other posters by putting the show information running vertically down the left side of the page, with the ‘LAU EOYS’ orientated towards it and the copy above orientated to the right. A bright orange was chosen for the type so that it stands out, with ‘Witness the Future’ again being put in what to give it prominence. Aviano Flare functions well as a readable stylised contemporary serif font. 

Idea 5
This poster design mimics the first in the sense that it uses a more unusual arrangement for the copy, and outlines the scaled up ‘LAU EOYS’. This poster is displayed on a pink gradient, primarily to be bold and eye catching, but also to emulate the colours of the LAU logo, creating brand continuity. The show info runs vertically on the top and bottom, closing in the centred type in between. 

My personal favourite design is Idea 2, I like the colour palette and it looks very contemporary. Also with some of the other designs, in attempting to make them bold, perhaps readability is not prioritised as highly, especially on the red and blue one which is slightly hard to look at. However this poster achieves that boldness without being too much, I think the outlined coloured type works really well as well as it uses contrasting colours from the other side of the gradient and sort of ties then composition together.

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