Tuesday 5 February 2019

The Future - Ideas

After a meeting with one of the creative ad tutors who did not suggest using ‘Fortune Favours the Bold’ as the copy of the poster, it was very much back to the drawing board. A recurring idea was to play with the idea of the future, saying that Leeds arts uni students are the future, and in the future they will be very successful etc. 

These first 2 ideas design wise are very similar to the first - gradient background with bold type centred, both of these were ideas from the creative ad team so their copy was very much applied to this basic format. The designs could definitely be developed a lot more but just when considering it as an initial idea, it’s nice to see the phrase written out in a design to really gauge the narrative and impact of it.

This second design, which is quite rough around the edges, is a quick mockup of an idea I had to represent this idea of future like looking into a crystal ball almost like a premonition, in hindsight, the design isn’t great, it’s a bit too out there, I think the idea of the crystal ball could be incorporated however just a little bit, maybe in a more contemporary context and not as the whole basis of the poster. 

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