Monday 6 May 2019

Symbols - Layout Ideas

With a completed set of symbols, I started to think about how I would lay them out/present them. I did a few mockups, showing them in rows, or taking their own individual pages. I like the white page with the bigger symbols the most because they are close together and its interesting to see how the variety of forms worked and interacted together. 

I did some more experimental layouts, this first of which plays with this idea of all the symbols interacting, and completely sort of jumbles them up in a random order. There are some quite nice abstract elements however it does just look not structured enough. I thresholded the images and they pixelated slightly which I found to be quite a nice visual quality, abstracting the strokes of the symbols even more. Perhaps since I am looking at abstracting the visual communication of the map more, because it’s more of a personal interpretation, I could look at doing something like this. 

I thought about the times of day I do these routes and considered them in a circle like a clock - the colours in the background representing the time of day - morning. It’s an interesting composition, perhaps I could more closely consider a format which would be appropriate to relating the time of the day to the symbol routes. 

This composition follows a similar concept, this time representing night. It’s got quite an editorial feel, it almost looks like a front cover. I started considering what could go in the empty, perhaps a line drawing of the map route? While this may look good in a composition for each three, I want tom consider what I will actually produce more, could it be something used as a method of way finding, or just a platform to present these symbols visually?

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